Antispam & Security add-ins for Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook add-ins designed for spam fighting and provide a necessary level of security when working with Microsoft Outlook.
Sending never again unencrypted emails. With abylon CRYPTMAIL offer abylonsoft a window and Outlook AddIn for email encrypting (incl. Attachments). Only the owner of the private key (HYBRID-System) or the correct password (SYMM-System) can open and read the protected emails. For any other person the content is locked. For the business use provide abylon CRYPTMAIL so-called Secure Message Envelops (SME), the signing and encrypting in one step.

Advanced Security for Outlook
Use Advanced Security for Outlook to learn what programs are trying to access Microsoft Outlook and permanently allow or deny access to the program the next time it requests access, the action you choose for this program will be automatically executed and Outlook Security will not annoy you with messages about trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. Works with Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002/XP. Freeware.

Attachment Options
Have you ever faced the situation where Microsoft Outlook blocks an attachment considering it insecure? This Outlook plug-in will allow you to specify the types of attachments that should be treated as secure or insecure.

Outlook Attachments Security Manager
With the help of this Outlook add-in you can specify which file types are regarded dangerous and which ones - safe. You can permit access to the previously blocked file types, or fully prohibit access to the file types selected by you. If you are not sure about the safety of this operation, you can switch on the blocking of these file immediately after saving the required file.

QMailFilter is an easy-to-use Microsoft Outlook add-on designed to provide an advanced intelligent protection against spammers, viruses and dangerous HTML code (Web-bugs). QMailFilter uses Bayesian filtering technology that identifies about 99% of incoming spam messages and it contains one before-trained filter as basic data base and this trained filter identifies between 90-99% of incoming advertising emails.
Secure Email Forward
Security is at an all time high for everyone and your email is no exception. Stay secure by keeping the content of your email messages within the boundaries of your systems. With Secure Email Forward, only limited parts of an email get forwarded to an email address.
Send If Approved
Gives you a possibility to control outgoing messages and send them only after approval. This component is simply indispensable when training new employees, whose competence is to deal with clients via e-mail.

Easy-to-use Microsoft Outlook add-on designed to provide an advanced protection against spam and unsolicited emails. The program uses Bayesian filtering technology that identifies about 98% of incoming spam messages.